Pokemon: Detective Pikachu's greatest feat was adapting many of the franchise's iconic creatures into live-action. Many artists, designers, and animators worked tirelessly in order to realistically represent many a Pokemon. One of these artists recently took to Twitter to share some of the work he did for the film.
RJ Palmer shared four of his early designs for Charizard on social media (
@arvalis). While some are downright faithful to the original design from the anime and games, the others are wild and menacing.
"Charizard was the very first thing I worked on and also one of the last. Charizard has always been one of my favorite designs. It was super cool to see what the finished effects for Charizard looked like. His animations were so good!" Palmer's tweet read.
You can check out each piece of concept art below. Looking through the pieces, it shows how much effort was put into getting every Pokemon perfect for their live-action debut.
Some of the below pieces are more accurate to Charizard's typical design, even moreso that the final one which featured in the film, while some are far from it. Would you have preferred any of these designs to the one that we ultimately got?