With the sequel to 2014's Godzilla movie set to debut later this year, fans of the beast have begun demanding the return of its video-game outings.
Back in the early 2000s, the game studio, Pipeworks released a trilogy of titles under the Japanese IP. This popular, new petition wants to see the resurgence of these games. Having currently reached 7,500 signatures, the petitions goal is to demonstrate the interest in the games' return.
The petition explains that Pipeworks have shown interest in reviving the series, however Atari currently own the rights. Below you can read the petition's summary. Click here to read further and/or sign the petition.
Fans across the world have been patiently waiting for another Godzilla game. In 2002 Pipeworks developed Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee for GameCube & Xbox, which was published by Atari. In 2004, another game in the series was released called Godzilla: Save the Earth, and later in 2007 Godzilla: Unleashed was released for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii.
With a new Godzilla movie arriving next year, it would be a great opportunity to release these games once more either through Xbox Backwards Compatibility or a remastered collection for Xbox one, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
This petition was created to help showcase interest for having these classics either introduced through the Xbox Backwards Compatibility program, or remastered in such a way that would allow old fans and new players alike to enjoy them with the new technological advances that have been made since their original release.
What do you think of the petition? Would you like to see the return of Pipeworks' Godzilla trilogy?