Tales from the Borderlands is an episodic narrative series developed by Telltale Games that initially released in November 2014 and subsequently throughout 2015. It's remembered quite fondly without almost perfect scores across the board. It takes place within the fictional universe of the
Borderlands franchise and as such is pretty colourful and comedic.
Telltale Games announced that they were closing their doors back in 2018 but were revived under new ownership in August 2019. During the game awards, it was officially announced that the long-awaited second season of
The Wolf Among Us is in development. However, somebody made it known that this announcement was on its way prior to it actually happening.
A Reddit user by the name of
hereitismydude (via
WCCFTECH) leaked the
Wolf Among Us 2 announcement and that of a remaster for Telltale's
Batman series. This user has now returned with a similar scoop. According to hereitismydude, Telltale Games are developing
Tales from the Borderlands 2 alongside
The Wolf Among Us 2.
In the same post, the user claims that Telltale Games are also working on a reboot of the
Poker Night video game series. While any old post from an anonymous redditor doesn't usually hold much weight, this user does have a solid track-record — so, there's at least a bit of credence to the claims.
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