Everyone was expecting a Destiny 2 launch later this year, but instead it appears that players will be getting another expansion. There is a mixed bag of sentiments on the latest news that has surfaced from Bungie. There is no ill will towards Destiny from this meaningless person behind the keyboard, but there are some thoughts that are evident from the title. There are different implications and processes that everyone in those three catagories need to think about. Yes, Destiny is an ever evolving game that has an epic 10 year plan, but there have been some highs and lows which will be highlighted later. So what does all this mean for the newbs, casuals and hardcores? Read on!
The Newbie: For the most part the newbie won't know what he or she is getting themself into, but there are some things they should consider and take into acount before plunging themselves into the game. First, the Hardcore player will never tire of this game... EVER! If said newbie is one that latches onto a game and never lets go. Then this is a perfect game. It offers awesome multiplayer, a so-so story campaing and KILLER graphics and game mechanics. Now is the time to catch up on the game. it's story lines and level in game. The whole game is now available to play and explore. During the first part of the Taken King (its last expansion) many in game activities were not worth playing, but now they are. The best part is, no matter what a gamer chooses to do, the game will reward any activity with some great loot. Newbies already bypassed some of the tougher stages of the game that lost a lot of players. Group play is so much fun, but solo play is right up there in terms of things to do.
The Casual: For the most part up until April, the burnout for the grind in the game was real. At the start of the Taken King GameFragger personel had a group of six that played every day. By the end of January everyone had stopped playing. Was it because the game sucked? No, not at all. It was because there was a severe lack of content and it became very tedious to get into the King's Fall raid. Watching grass grow was more fun than the year one content that didn't receive a year two upgrade. Not to mention Bungie grew silent in speaking out to the community about content that was heading their way. Sure the april update added a ton of content and rehashed many of the old raids, strikes and pvp content, but by then no one cared to come back. Not saying many did, but Gamefragger's group had already moved on to Ubisoft's The Division. The casual player wanted and needed Destiny 2. Yes, another expansion moves the needle, but for how long?
The expansions tide the hardcore players till the next event, update, expansion, but the casual player is 50/50. More money for content that should be way cheaper isn't exactly the way to move the meater in this groups eyes. Some will pay and some won't. Destiny 2 would bring more players back to the game than an expansion. The casual player should also applaud Bungie for any delays in the game if it means a polished product. To many developers rush (Bungie is guilty of this too) content, add ons and even games nowdays. Gamers respond to quality, not quantity... unless you are a Call of Duty player then quality doesn't matter.
The Hardcore: Destiny & Bungie LOVE you! The game, even with its kinks, lack of updates will always be there for you. You get the most out of the game by grinding it out until the next big thing. The "Rise of Iron" is for you is just what the doctor ordered. Yes, some might a little furious that it's not Destiny 2, but its more content that you get to discover, explore and glitch your way into to find all the games hidden mysteries. The grind is kind to you with its bountiful 335 light level gear. The best part about it all is that the game still makes you happy and that is awesome! This news doesn't affect this class of gamer as much as the other two groups. This group, however, is the group that Bungie listens to especially since they are the most involved in the community. Keep pushing Bungie and hopefully they'll listen.