Update v9.21 arrive in Fortnite today, introducing an explosive new weapon. With today's update comes the new Proximity Grenade Launcher.
Now anyone who has played the original GoldenEye 007 on N64 probably remembers the Proximity Mines. Imagine those, but in grenade form.
As detailed by Epic Games, the Proximity Grenade Launcher fires an arcing, bouncing, explosive projectile that explodes when in proximity of an opponent. Check it out in action below.
The Proximity Grenade Launcher (also avialable in Creative Mode) comes in Epic and Legendary Rarities and is found in chests, loot carriers, supply drops, and vending machines. Check out its stats below:
Uses Rocket Ammo.
Holds 2 Explosive Rounds.
Rate of Fire: 0.65 shots per second.
Player Proximity Radius: 250 units (about half the width of a tile).
Explosion Radius: 300 units (about 60% of the width of a tile).
Explosion damage:
Player: 67/70
Environmental: 131/138
Reload Speed: 2.8s/3s
Projectiles explode automatically after 10s or if it has nearly come to a stop.
Update v9.21 also slightly increases drop rate for shield potions and small shield potions in chests as well as the chance to find shotguns from floor loot. Storm Flip has also had its damage adjusted. Rather than being based on which Storm Phase is currently action, Storm Flip now just does a flat five damage every second, regardless of what stage of the game you're in.
The new Limited Time Mode Rotation features One Shot Duos, which features low gravity, sniper weapons and bandages only, and just 50 health per player. Horde Rushe also returns, pitting you and three others against waves of Fortnite Fiends.
Fight alongside your teammates to rack up your score by finding hidden score multipliers, opening special loot chests, and eliminating as many monsters as you can. Traverse across the map, survive all of the Defend locations and take down the Final Boss to win!
Four player Squad mode divided up into multiple stages.
Prepare to defend an area by searching for weapons & items, scavenging materials, and building defenses.
Rack up points by fighting Fiends, collecting score multipliers, and destroying Fiend Spawners.
Recover from the battle and search for more equipment.
Travel across the map to the next defense point.
Respawning is enabled until the last stage when players have to destroy a Boss Fiend and his horde of minions.
Keep an eye out for special loot chests, which contain powerful weapons & provide a scoring bonus.
Fortnite update v9.21 is now live.