Apparently Sony Online Entertainment's massively multiplayer online role-playing game DC Universe Online is quite the success and has become SOE's fastest selling game ever.
Recent Twitter updates from SOE President John Smedley, we now know that they were having trouble meeting demand for their recently released MMO.
Jan 23 - "Working on out-of-stock problems for DCUO. It's out fastest selling game ever. Should have more inventory in Monday."
Jan 23 - "We were #1 in sales on Steam last week!"
Jan 23 - "Meant to say 'it's our fastest selling game ever'. Phone typing ftw!"
Jan 24 - "People are asking what the PS3 / PC split is on sales. It's 52% PS3 and 48% PC."
According to his most recent tweet, the inventory issues are now under control, "We are all back in stock with DCUO!"
DC Universe Online brings high-energy action to the forefront with a combat system designed to deliver a fast-paced action experience with the extraordinary powers of DC Super Heroes and Villains at your disposal. DCUO offers a dramatic online setting where players battle with or against their favorite DC Super Heroes and Villains including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and The Joker. For the very first time, players and fans will be able to enter this fabled world as an active force for good or evil. The action and drama will play out in such well-known locations such as Gotham City and Metropolis.
Buy DC Universe Online