Ys is an RPG franchise series that has been around for over a decade. However, the series had never made its way to the states, and it wouldn't be until 2018 that its 2006 title, Ys Origins would make its way to the states.
Set as a prequel, the RPG title was a hit almost immediately and has since been enjoyed by fans around the world. That being said, the release of the Nintendo Switch has conjured a brand new rerelease of the title that will be coming this fall! Upon release, Limited Run Games will be giving fans the choice of two physical versions and a digital version. The Collector's Edition will contain a soundtrack, artbook, and reversible poster.
Recently, a new trailer began streaming that showcased some new footage of the game along with an early October release date! With the date officially set, it is only a matter of time before new and old players will be able to experience the excellent RPG.
Will you be picking up any of the physical editions? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check out the brand new trailer!
Ys Origin is a prequel to the eight previous installations of the Ys video game series. It takes place 700 years before the events of Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished, and tells much of the backstory of Ys, Darm Tower, the Black Pearl, the twin goddesses, and the six priests.
Ys Origin will be available for the Nintendo Switch on October 1st!