It seems Shane O'Mac had a rather interesting way to rage quit his Nintendo games back in the day. As celebration for
UpUpDownDown reaching 1 million YouTube subscribers, The New Day's Austin Creed featured Stephanie McMahon joining him for a game of
Street of Rage 2. While kicking NPC butt as Blaze and Max, Stephanie dropped the humorous tidbit below.
Stephanie McMahon: My brother used to have a hammer next to his Nintendo, [for] his anger.
Austin Creed: What was he hitting with the hammer?
McMahon: The Nintendo. Not a particularly bright move.
Creed: Like once?
McMahon: No, several times. He destroyed it. Like, to smithereens.
Creed: So would he get another one and destroy that?
McMahon: I only ever saw the one.
I guess even in a family as wealthy as the McMahon's, there's no excuse for being a bonehead. Vince probably strutted into his son's room, took one look at the destroyed Nintendo and told him there's "
No Chance in Hell" you're getting another one.