In 2021 Sega's beloved Sonic the Hedgehog series will be celebrating its 30th anniversary, after the original game released for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis on the 23rd of June all the way back in 1991.
On account of the Blue Hedgehog's 30th anniversary, Team Sonic has revealed that they are already gearing up to bring something very special to fans of the long-running(okay, I will intend this pun) Sonic the Hedgehog series.
In a recent interview with Game Informer, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka revealed that they're preparing something big for Sonic's 30th anniversary.
"2017 was a big year for Sonic. The next big year for Sonic is 2021. That’s the 30-year anniversary for Sonic. We are now preparing," said Iizuka when asked about Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania relasing on the same year in 2017.
Sega has already celebrated Sonic's 20th anniversary, back in 2011, with the critically praised Sonic Generations, and its 25th anniversary in 2017 with the highly regarded Sonic Mania and the somewhat average Sonic Forces, so them confirming that 2021 is their "next big year" should definitely make fans of the series happy.