Castlevania is a series of action-adventure games developed by Konami, which saw its humble beginnings on the Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1986; becoming a household name that has managed to stay very relevant over the years.
Some people has recently been introduced to
Castlevania via the critically acclaimed Netflix animated series that was released in July of 2017; with its second season premiering in October of last year.
Now even more people will be introduced to the series, as a
Castlevania Anniversary Collection has recently been rated by the Australian Classification. This mysterious new title is being published by Konami, as well, and has been classified as PG(containing Mild fantasy themes and violence).
Konami has not officially unveiled this collection, so we don't have any details regarding release dates, the platforms it will be releasing on, or even the games this collection will be compiling — although it is pretty safe to assume that they will be including some havy hitters like the original
Super Castlevania IV, and maybe even
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night; deemed by many as the best title in the series.
Regardless, this
Castlevania Anniversary Collection is a pretty good deal for those who still have to sink their teeth into the vampire-hunting series, and an even better deal for long-time fans who want to relive some of the classic
Castlevania titles.