In case you have been living under a rock for the past 5 years or so, Hideo Kojima's highly anticipated
Death Stranding was finally released for the PlayStation 4 last Friday; with a PC version releasing at some point in Summer of 2020.
Prior to
Death Stranding's long-awaited release, reviews for the game started making their way online; revealing that most reviewers had mixed feelings towards Kojima Productions' new title. It didn't stop there, however, because players then got to play the game for themselves, and ended up agreeing with those mixed reviews.
In a recent interview, Hideo Kojima himself has addressed that mixed reception that
Death Stranding has had — revealing, even, that he always expected the game's reception to be mixed.
For me, the feeling [now people are playing the game] is nothing really new. Even with Metal Gear, I was always concentrating on coming up with something fresh for people to play, or showing them a new system of gameplay," revealed Kojima to Video Games Chronicles.
So my approach is always the same. In terms of how I feel now people are playing Death Stranding – I believe there will be positive and negative reactions. This happens when you try to do something new, even in movies or games. If people are faced with something they haven’t experienced before, it can be challenging. It was the same when I first did a stealth title."
Kojima isn't discouraged by the mixed reception at all, as he also reveals that
Death Stranding may be the first to set the bar in terms of the game actually being a completely new genre, adding that he hopes that "
with the support I get from fans, that positivity will spread out. And that in 5 years or 10 years people will look back at Death Stranding as a new standard. Then I’ll try and create something new again."
Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the stranded remnants of the future in his hands, Sam embarks on a journey to reunite the shattered world one step at a time. What is the mystery of the Death Stranding? What will Sam discover on the road ahead? A genre defining gameplay experience holds these answers and more.
Death Stranding is currently available for the PlayStation 4.
PC version expected to release in Summer of 2020.