Mega Man: Fully Charged is an upcoming animated show—based on the
Mega Man series created by Capcom in 1987—that will air on Cartoon Network and will consist of 10 episodes, airing every Sunday.
The show is the result of a partnership with Capcom and Dentsu Entertainment USA. When
Mega Man: Fully Charged was first announced, reaction to the first official image of Mega Man was rather negative, considered to be way too much of a departure from the classic design—the original design for the show has since been re-designed, although the reaction is still pretty much the same.
Today we got a first look at
Mega Man: Fully Charged as the show gets a trailer during this year's San Diego Comic-Con and it looks...okay. The animation itself isn't bad, especially during the action bits we get to see, and the show's premise does sond quite interesting—making the man and machine conflict the pivotal story arc. Now all we have to do is wait and see how the show turns out when
Mega Man Fully Charged premieres on the
5th of August.
Check it out: