Sonic Mania Adventures is a mini series that was inspired by the new
Sonic game titled
Sonic Mania. The animated mini series debuted online at the end of March during this year and consisted of five 2 to 3minute episodes, concluding with the release of
Sonic Mania Plus on the
17th of July.
Sonic Mania Adventures mini series was a hit since the very first episode, featuring all of the characters from the classic Sonic series, drawn in the same way they were back in the Sega Genesis era—much like the
Sonic Mania game itself, which catered to players who grew up playing the
Sonic series.
Today, Sega has released a behind the scenes video that gives us a look at the process behind the making of the
Sonic Mania Adventures mini series, where the idea for it came from, how they made the story actually feel like a Sonic story, and how the animators drew the characters frame by frame to make the show look smooth and colourful.
Check it out:
Explore vibrant new stages and classic zones in stunning 60 FPS. Pixel-perfect graphics and new retro animations will make you fall in love with these 2D rolling landscapes.
Sonic Mania Plus is available for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC.