One of the most important roles in League of legends is that of the jungler. The jungler's job is to clear camps of monsters that provide buffs, and use said buffs to help out other players in winning their lane. As of now, jungling is one of the easiest roles currently in the game. You clear a camp, you clear another camp, and so on and so on until you're finally able to help out. So to somewhat make that job even easier, Riot has revealed recently that plants are now going to be available in the jungle and they will provide special perks.
The first plant to show up is Blast Cone, a orb like plant that when struck, knocks back every player in the designated area. So if you happen to garner the attention of the entire enemy team as they try to invade your half of the map, as soon as you hit the plant it will knock you forward, and them back.
The next plant is Honeyfruit, and it heals back a sizable portion of your health. This plant is where things may get a little sketchy in the future, and may even require Riot to nerf it. The plant drops 5 seeds that once consumed, bring your health up a great deal. If you've just been hit by a Jinx ult, and Darius is right behind you, hitting this thing we'll give you that little chance you need to maybe survive the encounter.
The final plant is Scryer's Bloom, a plant that will provide your team vision. Vision is an element that can make or break which team wins the game. If your team lacks vision, chances are you guys are going to be annihilated. Vision is the thing that gives you a heads up whether enemy players are around you, or coming for you. This plant appears to apply vision in whatever direction it's been hit. Example: if you hit it from the west, it'll show you a little bit of what is going on in the east.
Riot has also gone on into greater detail about how these plants will spawn in the game:
Currently, the first set of plants spawn relatively late in the game - and initial spawn positions are more or less fixed - so the first set of plant locations are more or less deterministic - which makes the initial wave contestable to a point.
The respawn time between plant waves varies a bit between contests - but the second wave of plants happens towards the tail end of laning phase and the seeded river locations are fairly 'deep' in the river in the early parts of the game so if they do this tactic, you'll also have time to head them off - unless you're not in the area at all - in which case it's similar to an uncontested champion using minions or scuttle to heal back via a type of drain.
Agreed that curation of plant location is pretty important - satchels, for example, are kind of pointless if there aren't interesting jumps - so there's a handful of optimal seeded locations where plants can spawn.
These changes are expected to arrive in the coming months.