With Tactician's Crown coming to a close today, Riot Games has finally lifted the curtain on Teamfight Tactics' next set. Set 14, TFT: Cyber City, will arrive with Patch 14.1 on April 2nd. The new set will take players to the neon-soaked streets of Cyber City.
"Cyber City is crawling with factions each vying for power, territory, and infamy," teases Set 14 lead Liv Breeden. "If you want a piece of the pie, you'll have to build your crew, expand your turf, and hack your way to the top of this neon metropolis."
As is the case with all new sets, Cyber City will refresh the champion pool and feature new traits and classes. We've already gotten a preview of some of the traits, including Exotech and Nitro, but the dev drop offers a full breakdown of all the new champions, traits, and classes.
Some of these traits and classes do feel a bit recycled from past sets, although there is a bit of a thematic twist on them.
Cypher is your traditional cashout trait, providing intel with each combat loss. The catch is that you can only trade that Intel for a powerful cash out one time and only at specific times in a match. After you cash out, the Cypher champions gain Attack Damage and Ability Power.
Divinicorp was compared to Heavenly from Inkborn Fables or Guild from Dragonlands. It grants all Divinicorp champions special bonuses depending on the Divicorp executive that is fielded.
Set 14 also brings back two Threat-like 5-costs: Garen and Zac. Unlike the other flexible 5-costs in this set, these two Threat-like champions have no specific Origin-based comp to slot into, making them flexible to splash into any comp.
These are just some examples of how Cyber City has taken previous traits and classes and hacked them for Set 14. You can learn about all the champions, traits, and classes here or watch the video below.
The unique mechanic for Set 14 is "Hacks." These Hacks have infiltrated core TFT systems, like opening encounters, shops, orbs, courses, and even Augments. These hacks can alter your game at any time in any number of ways. One example shown was the Augment hack which presents to you a choice: one stronger Augment or two weaker ones. There are also Black Market Augments. These are augments from past sets that have been vaulted, like Crused Crown, Everything Must Go, and Think Fast.
Opening encounters can also be hacked. This could include things like lucky shops with tailored units to fit your comp, or 2-star champions appearing instead of 1-stars as you roll. Glitched Carousels from Monsters Attack! also return.
TFT: Cyber City will be launched on the live serves for PC and mobile on April 2nd. However, you can first preview Set 14 when it arrives on the PBE on March 18th in the afternoon (Pacific Time).