New Gundam Breaker is an upcoming game developed by Crafts&Meister and published by Bandai Namco for the PlayStation 4 and PC. The game is based off the
Mobile Suit Gundam anime series from the late 70s which featured giant robots—or mechas—set in a militaristic setting. The show was so popular that it even defined the mecha genre the way we know it today, as well as spawning merchandise, movies, newer versions of the show and—of course—video games.
New Gundam Breaker players can fully customise their Gunpla(which is the name given to the Gundam figures in Japan) to the point that you'll probably never see two Gunplas looking exactly alike. Once the customisation is complete, players can battle through story mode or engage in 3V3 Co-op team battles—the more the player fights, the more parts to customise their Gunpla they'll collect.
In the latest video released by Bandai Namco, we see that the Gunpla is, indeed, fully customisable—featuring hundreds of parts to select from. Players can customise the Inner Frame, Right and Left Arm Weapons, Head, Body, Arms, Legs, Backpack, Shield, and EX Skills. All of those, except for the EX Skills, can also be coloured any way the player wants, giving the Gunpla a very distinct look from the one other players customise. Battle Damage, Dirty Feet, Chipping, Airbrush, Washing, Full-Model Metallic and Full-Model Glossy, are also some of the options players can customise to give their Gunpla models a unique look.
Check it out:
Create the ultimate Gunpla in NEW GUNDAM BREAKER! Explore thousand combination and unlimited customization options to create and fight with the Gundam figure of your dream.
New Gundam Breaker will be available for the PlayStation 4 and PC on the 22nd of June.