The Animated GALAGA Series Adds TRANSFORMERS Writer Roberto Orci As An Executive Producer
Galaga was first released in 1981, and now, decades later, the popular video game is being adapted into an animated series by Nuttery Entertainment, with Robert Orci (Transformers) as an executive producer.
Fans first learned Nuttery Entertainment was developing an animated Galaga series last year, and now the show has gained Roberto Orci as an executive producer.
To go along with this huge announcement, the producer released an official statement, which he used to express his love for the incredibly popular arcade game that was first published in 1981.
“Galaga is one of the games I played growing up. I have fond memories of the quarters and hours upon hours I spent playing the game. I look forward to working with The Nuttery and to capture that magic in an exciting new format.”
Over the course of his career, Orci has written or produced a number of high-profile projects, including Star Trek and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. But while several of his works haven't been critically praised, he has been involved in financially succesful projects like Transformers.
The upcoming video game adaptation is officially titled Galaga Chronicles and is currently expected to premiere sometime in late 2019 or early 2020.