The upcoming RAAM's Shadow DLC for Gears of War 3 not only adds new characters and single-player elements (learn more here!), but it also includes ten new achievements to bolster your Gamerscore.
Welcome to Zeta - 25 points
Complete "RAAM's Shadow" in Standard Campaign on any difficulty.
Some Friendly Competition - 25 points
Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in Arcade on any difficulty.
Help from my Friends - 25 points
Completed “RAAM’s Shadow” in 4 player co-op in Arcade or Standard Mode.
Finger of Doom - 15 points
As RAAM, kill 50 gears using your Kryll.
I’m Rubber, You’re Glue - 15 points
As Mauler, kill 10 Gears by reflecting their bullets using your shield.
Death from Above - 15 points
Using the Hammer of Dawn Command Center, kill 50 Locust.
Unarmed and Dangerous - 15 points
Using the Loader, kill 10 Locust.
Ghosts from the Past - 15 points
Play 10 matches of Versus as a member of Zeta (Barrick, Tai, Minh, or Valera) (Standard or Casual).
Foreshadowing - 25 points
As RAAM, execute Minh 10 times in Versus MP (Standard or Casual).
Zeta Team, Go! - 75 points
Complete waves 1 – 10 of Horde with 5 players as Zeta (Barrick, Tai, Minh, Valera, and Jace).
RAAM’s Shadow hts Xbox LIVE Marketplace on December 13th for 1,200 Microsoft Points, or free for those that have the Gears of War 3 Season Pass!
About Gears of War 3
Developed by acclaimed studio Epic Games and available only on Xbox 360, Gears of War 3 plunges players into a harrowing tale of hope, survival, and brotherhood that will conclude the current story arc for Gears of War. With the last human city destroyed and the remaining survivors stranded, time is running out for Marcus and his comrades as they fight to save the human race from the jaws of extinction.
Release Date: September 20, 2011
Publisher: Epic Games
ESRB Rating: Mature
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