Universal Studios' Gears of War movie adaptation was announced back in 2016 when Microsoft agreed to sell the movie rights to the acclaimed video game series to Universal. According to The Wrap, Gears of War has finally found its screenwriter, as F. Scott Frazier is reportedly set to write the upcoming adaptation. Frazier’s previous writing credits include Collide and last year's xXx: Return of Xander Cage.
Frazier will replace Shane Salerno (Armageddon, Avatar 2-5), who was previously attached to write the film’s script. Gears of War is co-produced by Dylan Clark, producer of the acclaimed Planet of the Apes trilogy, and Rod Fergusson, one of the masterminds behind the Gears of War franchise and producer of the upcoming Gear 5 at The Coalition, a Microsoft development studio focused exclusively on GoW.
The first chapter of the Gears of War video game saga debuted in 2006, introducing players to the futuristic war between humans and the Locust Horde that ravages Sera, the home planet of the series' main protagonist Marcus Fenix. Back in June, Guardians of the Galaxy and Blade Runner 2049 star Dave Bautista revealed that he would love to play Fenix, but Universal has given no updates on casting yet.