Assassin's Creed Odyssey focuses on the story of a young Spartan rejected by their family, who's making the journey from outcast mercenary to legendary hero, learning the truth about their past and the legacy of the legendary Leonidas, King of Sparta, along the way. You should give the sandbox RPG a chance, as Ubisoft will support the title for a long, long time, as there will be no new
AC in 2019.
According to the vast majority of players and critics alike,
Odyssey is simply a huge, ambitious, and strikingly beautiful game that is building on the solid foundations of last year's
Origins and even surpasses it in almost every way. With an emphasis on player choice, Ubisoft Quebec's title has leapt to new heights, becoming a full-blown open-world RPG and a truly fresh entry in the 11-year old series.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Game Director Scott Phillips reveals behind-the-scenes anecdotes on how the development team built the game with player feedback and empowerment in mind in the latest
Odyssey featurette. Learn how the title's open world was designed for challenge and fun, and how the team’s work on previous
Assassin’s Creed games ensures their choices respect your time down below:
Take control of your destiny and write your own epic odyssey as you journey to become a legendary Spartan hero. Live incredible adventures in a world where every choice matters. Rejected by your family, you must embark on an adventure from outcast mercenary to legendary Spartan hero to uncover the truth about your past.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.