My Hero Academia is a manga, written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi, that has been serialised by Weekly Shonen Jump in 2014. It is a simple premise where the main character is a boy that was born without superpowers(Quirks) in a world where everyone has them, but still dreams of becoming a superhero. The manga has since become an Anime and later in 2016 saw a game released for the Nintendo 3DS as a Japan-exclusive title.
My Hero: One's Justice, which is a sequel to the 2016 game is now in development for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Today we got an official announcement by Bandai Namco that the game will be coming to the West this 2018.
From the trailer we can see that it will be a fighting game that will feature 2v2 fights. Gameplay-wise the game borrows a lot from the
Naruto Ninja Storm games, which are also published by Bandai Namco, where fights take place in a 3D environment and players even have the chocie to wall run. The game will also allow you to choose up to two characters to assist them in those heated, and heroic, fights. Though the game is still very early in development, fights look quite interesting and stylish so fans of the anime will probably enjoy the game once it releases.
Take a look at the trailer:
Your fight for Justice starts now in “MY HERO: ONE’S JUSTICE” the game based on the hit anime My Hero Academia. Witness as Heroes and Villains clash as they fight for what they believe in!
My Hero: One's Justice has yet to be given an official release date but is expected to release this 2018.