Pokemon are once again invading McDonald's as it's been confirmed today that November's Happy Meal promotion will revolve around the storied video game brand. To promote the release of Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Rowlet, Litten, Popplio, Solgaleo, Lunala, Grubbin, Yungoos, Rotomdex, Pikapek, and Pikachu will all get toys and they all have some special features.
Pikachu, for example, lights up while Popplio doubles as a squirt gun. As a bonus, each of these will come with a special trading card and while those are reprints of the cards release for the Sun and Moon series, they'll have a holofoil exclusive to the chain and will feature Rowlet, Grubbin, Litten, Popplio, Pikachu, Crabrawler, Alolan Meowth, Alolan Digglet, Cutiefly, Cosmog, Pikipek, and Yungoos.
However, if you're watching your waistline and would rather not have to buy a Happy Meal, all of the cards and toys will be available to pay at certain McDonald's. That's a crafty move, eh?