Sonic Adventure was originally released for the Sega Dreamcast on the 23rd of December in 1998, becoming a fan-favourite almost instantly due to technically being the very first Sonic title to be made in 3D. The game saw an even more popular title in its sequel, Sonic Adventure 2(2001), which is an all-time favourite for fans of the Blue Hedgehog.
Takashi Iizuka, head of the "Sonic Team" video game division at Sega, has recently said that he thinks the original Sonic Adventure is definitely worthy of a remake, especially now that it's been 20 years since it released.
The news comes from Retro Gamer, who recently spoke with Takashi Iizuka, where "Sonic Team" boss said that Sonic Adventure is "a unique game offering even 20 years after its release", while also adding that he "can see the rough edges it has, which really makes me want to remake it again".
According to Iizuka's statement, this is exactly what he said about Sonic Adventure and the reason why he wants to see the iconic title being remade.
"It was the first highspeed 3D action game that also featured a scenario highlighted with six different stories, the A-life Chao, six unique styles of gameplay – it is a unique game offering even 20 years after its release. At the time, it also wasn’t just a solitary software release, it was the title to bring people to the Dreamcast and we were given the budget to make something to showcase the hardware. However, it was the very first 3D game that we worked on and looking at it now I can see the rough edges it has, which really makes me want to remake it again".
This is definitely some exciting news for fans of the Blue Hedgehog, mainly because they've been clamouring for a Sonic Adventure 3 pretty much since Sonic Adventure 2 was released back in 2001.
Getting a remake of the original Sonic Adventure would probably lead to a remake of its sequel and probably the long-awaited Sonic Adventure 3 would follow. All we have to do now is keep our fingers crossed and hope for "Sonic Team" to make this a reality and announce Sonic Adventure Remake some time next year.