Whether or not aggressive video games, or video games which contain violent or aggressive content, has any correlation with aggression in youth has been a significant topic of debate for years. One of the reasons it has been so heavily up for debate is because of questionable researcher practices and lack of proper theory-driven controls.
In a recent report in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence a large sample of youth in Singapore were assessed. 3034 youth averaging at 11 years old with roughly 72 percent being male were assessed for links between aggressive gameplay and seven prosocial or aggression outcomes two years later. Theoretically relevant controls were included for poor impulse control, prior aggression, gender, and family involvement.
The effect sizes were compared to six nonsense outcomes that were chosen specifically to be unrelated to aggressive gameplay. The use of these allows for comparison in effect sizes between theoretically relevant and irrelevant outcomes. Questionable research practices were done away with by including Preregistration.
As it turns out, the study found that aggressive video games were unrelated to any of the outcomes, and what's more is that it would take 27 hours a day of M - Rated gameplay to create clinically noticeable changes in aggression. The study results go against the theory that aggressive video games are a predictor of reduced prosocial behavior or later aggression in youth.
One more win for video games! What do you guys think of this study? Let us know below!