Since 2013, Rooster Teeth (Red vs. Blue) has been airing one of their most successful western anime ever, RWBY. The series was created by Monty Oum and implements storytelling ideas from both anime and western animation and melded the two together to create a media giant that is beloved by both anime and western cartoon fans alike.
The series has continued on with multiple seasons under its belt and has even branched out into the world of merchandising, with clothes, collectibles, and more! However, the only thing the franchise has not fully broken into yet has been the world of video games.
While characters from the show have appeared in guest roles on games like Guilty Gear, a full title has never been fully realized. Thankfully, Arc System Works and WayForward are teaming up with Rooster Teeth to make that dream a reality!
Not much is known about the game right now, aside from who will be apart of it, but from the looks of things, anything from a fighting game to an action-adventure title could be possible! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!
4 Teenage girls form Team RWBY and train to fight crime and monsters known as the Grimm, while the world of Remnant remains on the brink of an all out war. The story takes place in the world of Remnant, which is filled with supernatural forces and shadowy creatures known as the Grimm.
The upcoming RWBY game is gearing towards a 2021 release!