WIth Teamfight Tactics Tactician's Crown tournament for Set 13 kicking off today, Riot Games has given us a look at what is coming next when Set 14 arrives next month. As previously announced, TFT Set 14 is titled "Cyber City," and will feature a cyberpunk aesthetic.
The newly released cinematic video, created in partnership with Brunch Studio, takes us aboard a high speed train traveling to Cyber City. I don't want to spoil too much because the cinematic animation is incredible, so before we dive into the details of TFT: Cyber City, check out the high speed heist set cinematic.
Impressive animation aside, the cinematic also serves as a sneak peek into some of the champions and mechanics we can expect to see. Right off the bat, we see Elise, Zeri, and Kobuko as three of the primary champions. In case there was any doubt about their role in Set 14, the official Teamfight Tactics social media channel actually shared their details.
"At low HP, Kobuko gains another HP bar making him hit harder. Zeri dashes quickly leaving echoes behind that attack with her. Elise fires lasers!" the description reads. You can check out their in-game abilities below:
At the very end of the cinematic trailer, there's a brief look at TFT: Cyber City gameplay which provides a glimpse at some of the other champions featured in Set 14. Some of the champions spotted include Twisted Fate, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Rengar, Neeko, Renekton, Darius, Jinx, Brand, Zed, Samira, Zyra, Braum, Galio, Alistar, Varus, Garen, and Fiddlesticks. This is in addition to the champions who were spotted in previously released concept art for TFT: Cyber City: Mundo, Shaco, Graves, Aurora, Xayah, and Sylas.
One viewer also pointed out that in the acutal cinematic were wanted pictures of Mafia Braum and Mafia Miss Fortune, which could indicate they could be part of the same class. The fact they are are pictured on bounties suggest some sort of cash out class will be featured in the set as well.
This is just the tip of the Cyber City reveal iceberg. Details about the upcoming set will be shared throughout the weekend during Tactician's Crown. Tomorrow, March 15th, we'll get the exclusive Cyber City trait reveals while Sunday, March 16th will be the full Cyber City dev drop.
TFT Set 14: Cyber City will go live on April 2, 2025 with patch 14.1. However, players should be able to test out the new set on the PBE, which should drop on March 19, 2025 with patch 13.8 following the dev drop.