The second season of Netflix's animated Castlevania series will debut this summer. According to writer Warren Ellis, the second season will consist of eight installments, doubling the episode count of the show's four-episode first season. It looks like Netflix strikes while the iron is hot and is already developing a third season of the super violent cartoon inspired by iconic and beloved '80s videogames.
According to Digital Spy, Richard Armitage who voices the main (anti)hero, Trevor Belmont said that "The second season hasn't been aired yet, but we're about to do a third." The website reached out to Netflix, but the streaming service had no official comment to make on the show's potential renewal.
When it comes to the second season, Armitage also confirmed that it will focus primarily on the relationship between Trevor and Adrian Tepes, aka Dracula’s deadly son Alucard. "The son of Dracula [Adrian Tepes, voiced by James Callis] and my character get much more collaborative," the actor explained. "I think that's one of the most exciting things, they start to really work together."
Castlevania's first season debuted on Netflix on July 7, 2017, and was renewed for a second season on the same day. Keep a look out as we hope to hear a more specific premiere date in the coming months.