Castlevania is an animated series based on the Japanese video game series of the same name — specifically 1989's
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse. Written by Warren Ellis, Adi Shankar serves as showrunner. The series follows Trevor Belmont as he defents the nation of Wallachia from Dracula and his minions.
The first season premiered on the Netflix streaming service back in 2017 and the second debuted in the following year. A 10-episode third season was confirmed as being in the works back in October of 2018 and that's the last we heard of Netflix's Castlevania — until now!
Powerhouse Animation, the studio responsible for the stunning visuals of the animated series in question, recently took to social media to tease the return of
Castlevania. To kick off the new year and decade, Powerhouse Animation tweeted out "2020" made up of vampire emojis. They followed this up with an explicit name-drop of Season 3 — as you can see below.
Hopefully, something more substantial (like a release date) will be announced soon — given that they appear to be hinting that the third season will debut within the remainder of the current year.