Jeopardy is a long-running American quiz show in which contestants must answer an increasingly difficult glut of questions. As you can see in the image above, each category is given a respective row. The more difficult questions are worth more, while the easier ones are worth less - it's pretty self-explanatory.
Well, in last night's episode of the Jeopardy, the show evidently gave a shot at modernising itself by including a "Video Games" category. While the questions are pretty simple for a regular gamer, the contestants were clearly not up for the task. All three contestants avoided the category until the very end, and when they were finally given no choice but to give them a go, they failed miserably.
You can watch the hilarious, cringe-worthy clip below:
Following the buzz surrounding the cringe-worthy situation, Bethesda themselves mentioned it on social media.
What do you think of the clip? Which questions did you know the answers to? What do you think of video-games being included as a category?