Rebellion is seemingly taking its show-business idea seriously, as the developers responsible for the Sniper Elite, Strange Brigade, and Aliens vs. Predator video game series has opened the doors of a brand new film facility in Oxford. This new studio space will help the game developer make the Rogue Trooper movie and the Judge Dredd TV show, which was officially announced over a year ago.
Rebellion founder and CTO Chris Kingsley said: "The levels of growth in television content for streaming services, such as Netflix and Amazon, have been astronomical in recent years. The demand for ongoing original content is bigger than ever and we're seeing more big players wanting to get in on the action. This is very exciting for the domestic and global film industries but it's also meant that our infrastructure is under increasing pressure."
Rebellion Productions was created in 2017 to develop a slate of film and TV series based on comics, and naturally, video games. Thanks to the expansion, the company is hoping to create up to 500 new jobs. The Judge Dredd series will be produced by Mark Stern, who worked for the Syfy channel on Battlestar Galactica. Rogue Trooper will be directed by Duncan Jones, who gave us Moon and WarCraft.