Nintendo's NES Classic Is So Far Proving To Be Near Impossible To Find
One of this holiday's hottest items, it should come as no surprise to learn that the NES Classic is already proving to be tough to track down. What is Nintendo doing about it? Find more details after the jump!
If you regularly buy Nintendo products, it will likely come as no surprise to learn that the NES Classic is proving to be a tough console to track down. Fans were lining up around the block at Targets and Best Buys in America to get their hands on one this morning, but many stores didn't have enough of them to meet demand. As a result, eBay is already littered with NES Classic's selling for twice the price!
The story is the same in the UK too as Amazon has already sold out. So, what is Nintendo doing about it? Well, they took to Twitter today to reveal that they're doing all they can. Is it enough though?
"The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition system is a hot item, and we are working hard to keep up with consumer demand. There will be a steady flow of additional systems through the holiday shopping season and into the new year. Please contact your local retailers to check availability. A selection of participating retailers can be found @"
That's good in some respects, but it definitely sounds like it will be tough to get one of these in time for Christmas. Some will no doubt be lucky, but it will clearly be an uphill battle over the next few months! Did you manage to buy an NES Classic? If so, let us know your thoughts on it in the comments section.