Start Getting Excited As The Nintendo Switch Will Likely Support All Your Favorite GameCube Titles
The Nintendo Switch continues sounding better and better as it has been revealed today that it will have the ability to play games from the GameCube era! How will it work? Hit the jump for details...
We've known for a while now that we're going to have to wait until January for some solid details on the Nintendo Switch, but various details continue finding their way online. The latest have come our way courtesy of Eurogamer, as the site - a reliable source of information - reveals that the anticipated console is going to have the ability to play GameCube games via the Virtual Console service.
Apparantly, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Mario Sunshine and, Luigi's Mansion are all ready to go at launch, while Animal Crossing will be added next. Both Sony and Microsoft have made it a priority for their consoles to play older titles in recent years, and so it's a smart move on Nintendo's part to do the same here. The Switch is such a big step up from the Wii U that it being capable of playing GameCube games is no real surprise, and this is yet another good sign that the company has a hit on their hands.
This is something which will ultimately be a fairly minor feature on the console, but it should still be a major draw for many gamers. Has this increased your interest in the Switch? Sound off below.