There have been so many reports about the Wii being used for physical rehab, and nursing centers getting hooked, that we frankly didn't feel the need to rehash the same old news, but now reports are coming in that schools are beginning to introduce the Wii into gym class!
According to a story published at The SouthtownStar, Chelsea Intermediate School is one of the schools that are starting to use video games, instead of fighting against them.
Prorok, one of the gym teachers at Chelsea Intermediate School, said that incorporating the video game into the curriculum was his way of trying to be innovative, as well as beating the enemy at his own game.
"They're going to play video games anyway, we might as well steer them to the right ones," he said.
Prorok said that another reason he brought the Wii system into the school is because of the friendliness of the game.
"That's why I love Nintendo games, there not like shooting games," he said. "I mean how can Mario be mean?"
The school bought seven systems with 28 controllers, also purchasing Wii Sports game that comes with tennis, bowling, boxing, baseball and golf. The whole school can use the systems, but the gym classes have priority.
Fellow gym teacher Kay Elam said that they were all excited about the game because it brings technology into the classroom and helps develop positive attributes in the children.