Sonic X is an animated series which aired from 2003 to 2005. The Japanese series is, of course, an adaptation of the
Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise and meant for young audiences.
Sonic X follows the adventures of Sonic and his friends as they're transported into the human world and, with the help of a 12-year-old boy named Chris, must stop Dr. Eggman from getting his hands on the Chaos Emeralds and taking over the world!
Consistent with reports from last month;
Sonic X is now available to stream on Netflix in its entirety — that means all three seasons, two series, and seventy-eight episodes.
Sonic the Hedgehog voice actor Jason Griffith took to social media to announced as such.
It's believed that this news is relevant to the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom (though, that's currently unconfirmed). Netflix also houses 1993's
The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and 2014's
Sonic Boom!. However, those two animated series are only available to stream in the US.