TRON franchise began in 1982 with its first instalment — a science-fiction movie simply titled:
TRON. In 2010, the franchise was revived with a sequel called
TRON: Legacy. While the follow-up has certainly gone down as a cult classic, it likely wasn't the big hit that Disney were hoping for. Nonetheless, a couple of minor video games and animated series would follow but seemingly nothing major.
Well, in the wake of Bob Iger stepping down as the CEO of Disney and devoting his efforts to their streaming services (Disney+ and Hulu); it has been revealed that Academy Award-winning writer John Ridley (
12 Years a Slave) was developing a
TRON series (via
TRON series would have seemingly been exclusive to the Disney+ streaming service and taken place within the same continuity as the aforementioned 80's classic and 2010 follow-up. However, the series is no longer in the works. It's said that several months of work was put into the
TRON series but it collapsed prior to being officially greenlit and publicly announced by Disney.
Beyond that; nothing is known about the Disney+
TRON series that was over before it began. It's certainly interesting to find this out given that the franchise had seemingly been left dormant since 2010. Not to mention, we can only imagine what a TRON series from an Academy Award-winning writer would have looked like. It seems we'll never know.