Yacht Club Games may have some exciting news in store for fans of their critically acclaimed
Shovel Knight series, as the developer announced that tomorrow they will be streaming a video presentation with news about some of their upcoming products.
As per the developer's announcement, this video presentation will kick off on the
28th of August at 11:00AM Pacific Time/2:00PM Eastern Time, and will be diggning into upcoming products and news about
Shovel Knight.
While Yacth Club Games didn't exactly reveal what they will be announcing, it is possible that they's reveal more details about the
Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duals board game, an official release date for
Cyber Shadow, and maybe a brand-new
Shovel Knight game announcement.
Whatever the announcements may be, be sure to tune in by watching the Yacht Club Games presentation on their official
Twitch and
YouTube channels.