The Pikmin series has been around for almost 20 years now, with the first title being released for the Nintendo GameCube in October of 2001. In spite of its longevity, the series has only seen three main entries, as well as a spin-off title that has been received rather poorly by fans.
Pikmin 3 was released for the Nintendo Wii U back in 2013. For this very same reason, not that many people got the chance to play the game, as the Wii U was one of Nintendo's worst-selling consoles in the history of the company.
Fortunately for both fans of the series and newcomers who have heard of the series but never played a game, Nintendo is bringing back Pikmin 3 in the form of a deluxe edition that includes all of the DLC that released for the original game, as well as new content.
Pikmin 3 Deluxe is actually releasing on Friday the 30th of October, and Nintendo has been releasing new information about the game in order to keep players excited for the release. Just yesterday, in fact, Nintendo shared over 40 minutes of gameplay for the upcoming title, and revealed that a playable demo would become available on the Nintendo Switch eShop.
Today, Nintendo has shifted their focus to the Pikmin series once again, as they release three short animated movies that not only exude charm, but also do a pretty good job giving viewers an idea of what the whole concept of Pikmin really is.
Nintendo also took the opportunity to release a short trailer that reminds players that the Pikmin 3 Deluxe playable demo, which will include save data transfer to the full game, is currently available on the Nintendo Switch eShop.
Take a look:
Grow a squad of adorable, plantlike Pikmin to traverse a strange world and save your planet Command a capable crop of 5 different types of Pikmin™ to strategically overcome obstacles, defeat creatures, and find food for your famished home planet! You can even bring a second player along to divvy up tasks as you explore a world that seems larger than life from a pint-sized perspective.
Pikmin 3 Deluxe will release exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on Friday the 30th of October.