The groundbreaking Command & Conquer franchise was one of the first to introduce players to the modern RTS genre, has spawned over a dozen PC titles, and ranks in the top 5 best-selling PC franchises of all-time according to the NPD Group. Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars™ was the number #1 selling PC RTS of 2007 and won numerous awards, including the "Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year" award from the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences. Additionally, Command & Conquer Red Alert™ 2 and Command & Conquer Generals were the number one best-selling* PC RTS titles in 2000 and 2003 respectively. Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 won the 2008 "Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year" award from the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences. Collectively, the series has sold more than 30 million units worldwide to date. The franchise boasts one of the largest and most active fan communities in the world.
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