Black Clover is a fantasy shonen manga by Yuki Tabata. The series was released in February 2015 and follows the story of a boy named Asta, who was born without magic powers in a world where magic is the norm, as he seeks to becoming the Wizard King.
In October 2017, the
Black Clover anime aired for the first time and now Bandai Namco have just announced that they are releasing
Black Clover: Quartet Knights for the PlayStation 4 and PC.
Black Clover: Quartet Knights is a third-person fighting game that sees players squaring off in teams of 4 using all kinds of magical attacks and defence.
Introducing Black Clover: Quartet Knights "Treasure Battle"! Fight your opponents to grab the key first and bring it to your treasure chest for extra points! With epic 4 vs 4 third person shooter action, you'll need to be strategic in your fighting style to win against your enemies!
Black Clover: Quartet Knights is expected to release for the PlayStation 4 and PC this 2018.