Just yesterday, IO Interactive teased that today they would be revealing a new project, although they didn't mention what it is, nor gave players a hint of what this mysterious new project could be, but the idea of it was more than exciting news.
Fans theorised that it could be some sort of a Hitman spin-off title, especially since Hitman III was recently announced this year, and is currently in development. Others thought that it could be a Kane & Lynch title, while others suggested that it could even be a sequel to the critically praised Freedom Fighters.
Well, we don't have to wonder any more, as IO Interactive has just dropped the news that this mysterious project that they've been working on is none other than a brand-new James Bond game, which is currently being referred to as Project 007.
According to the information shared by the developer, Project 007 will feature an original story based on Ian Fleming's iconic Secret Agent, and that this will actually be an origin story in the same vein of what Casino Royale(2006) did with the current series of films based on the character.
Unfortunately, IO Interactive doesn't really give us much information about Project 007, but this is still great news for fans of the chracter, since 007 Legends, developed by Eurocom and published by Activision, was the last game based on the character, and it was very poorly received by fans and critics.
Project 007, however, is the first time IO Interactive will be working on a James Bond game, and judging by the amazing job they've done with the Hitman series, there are more than enough reasons for fans to be excited for the developer's take on 007.
Project 007 (working title) is a brand-new James Bond video game to be developed and published by IO Interactive. Featuring a wholly original Bond story, players will step into the shoes of the world's favorite Secret Agent to earn their 00 status in the very first James Bond origin story.
Project 007 is currently in development at IO Interactive.